Churchill Library

Churchill Library eBooks

Churchill has eBooks available to check out at a reading level of third grade and higher for you to check out in Destiny from our Churchill Library! The eBooks will be checked out to you for 21 days (3 weeks) and may not be renewed.

***Students in 3rd-6th grade can read the eBooks on their District issued Chromebook.

To find out how to check them out, click on the directions.   Click here for directions and screen shots on how to Access CHURCHILL eBOOKS.

Happy eBook reading!

Weekly Book Check Out

Students visit the library with their class once a week to check out books.  The books are due the next week when they come to library.  

Students who forget to return the books will be given a reminder paper with the title of the book that was checked out.

If you have any questions regarding book check out, please feel free to email us.