
February 27, 2025


The Schaumburg Township Council of PTAs (STC) offers scholarships for summer programs/camps to District 54 students currently in Kindergarten through 7th grade who wish to broaden their education, talents and experiences.   This is to be a summer camp or program completed by Labor Day.  Scholarships will be awarded for the full cost of the summer camp/program up to $125. In order to comply with the bylaws of PTA to be “noncommercial, nonsectarian, and nonpartisan” a camp for the purpose of religious instruction may be ineligible for a scholarship.  All scholarship checks will be forwarded directly to the summer camp/program. All candidates will be notified of the committee decision at the beginning of May 2025. Please refer to scholarship flyer for details. 

The scholarship flyer and print version of the application will be sent home with students. Students can complete the print version of the application and return it along with supporting documents in a sealed envelope marked “STC PTA Elementary Scholarship Application” by April 2, 2025, OR a Google form can be completed. Google form and documents need to be submitted by April 4, 2025.

Please note:

  1. Parents/guardians must be a 2024-2025 PTA member at the school the student attends. A copy of their membership card or a written letter from the PTA president or Membership Chair confirming their membership will need to be included with the application.  PTA Memberships still can be purchased in order to apply, Memberships are $8.00


  1. The parents/guardians must register the child for the camp/program 

themselves prior to submitting the application.   

  1. A student may not win a scholarship for more than two consecutive years. 
  2. Multiple children in one household can apply, however only one application may be submitted for each child.

If you have questions, please contact the STC Elementary Scholarship chair Celeste Render at [email protected]. Questions regarding Churchill PTA Membership, please email [email protected].

Google form links:


