
May 3, 2024

Dear Churchill Families, 

I wanted to start this week’s newsletter with a shout out to the students who participated in this year’s musical, “Honk Jr.” brought to you by the Churchill Choir in conjunction with the PTA. We have have one more performance tonight at 7 p.m. The performance is free, and concessions will be available for purchase.

As we wrap up the school year, students will be earning yellow tickets, any time they are demonstrating one of the keys in the  Eight Keys of Excellence . If we hit our goals, students can earn extra recess, a pajama day, a paper airplane challenge and more. Check out this  video  to learn more about our challenge.

Thank you for the warm welcome you have given me since I joined the Churchill staff as interim principal. Debbie Ancona will be joining our administrative team until the end of the school year. Like myself, Mrs. Ancona is a retired administrator from District 54 with many years of experience.  We look forward to supporting your students and the Churchill community as we complete another successful school year. In the meantime, please don’t hesitate to call the school at (847) 357-6300 and ask for me or Mrs. Ancona if you have any questions. 

Kelly Dvoracek and Debbie Ancona

Interim Principals